Evidence Based Mental Health Care

Mindful Group Therapy

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy



What is the Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) course about?

MBCT is an eight-week course that teaches mindfulness practices. There are eight weekly classes and an optional Saturday session. Most of the session time involves mindfulness meditation practice. Homework is assigned and research suggests that engagement with the homework is central to people receiving benefit from the course.

What is MBCT for?

MBCT was developed specifically to reduce the chance that people who have experienced a major depressive episode in the past would “relapse” or slip into another depressive episode. Research has shown that MBCT is as effective as long-term medication treatment in preventing relapse of depression. Other research has shown that MBCT is also useful in helping people deal with anxiety.

 Who should take this course?

 People who have suffered depression or anxiety in the past are the target audience. If you have fully recovered or partially recovered, this course may be of significant benefit. If you are having significant struggles with depression and anxiety or substance abuse, then it will be difficult to engage with the practice and your current situation should be addressed before attending MBCT.

Where will the classes be run?

The classes will be in the group room at our clinic at 601 W. Broadway Ave, Unit M6, with an option for online access. We are located on the Mezzanine and can be reached by elevator or the stairs to the north of the main building.

 Will MBCT be in person only?

The class will be live and in person with an option to attend by Zoom (“hybrid”). Those who have symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever etc. are expected not to attend in person. They are invited to use Zoom, or to join us when their symptoms resolve.

 Do I need to bring anything?

Please wear comfortable clothing. Be prepared to sit in for longer periods of time. If you have a meditation cushion or bench that you want to use, please feel free to bring it. We will be sitting in straight backed chairs or walking, so please come prepared.

 What is the cost?

 There is an administrative fee of $100, which is refundable if you attend all eight sessions. Besides this fee, there is no charge for the course because physician fees for running groups and courses like this one are covered by your BC provincial health insurance.

If the administrative fee represents a financial hurdle for you please email me or reach out to me at the number below.

Dates of next course:

Wednesdays, 4-6PM, March 5th to April 23rd, 2025 with optional day of Mindfulness Saturday April 12th, 2025.